Increasing the sense of security to your home is an easy effort with the use of solar powered motion lights. As they’re easy to install, you don’t need to hire a technician to do it for you. They operate using the sun-supplied energy, so literally the lights can be placed anywhere you want. With just a small investment, you can illuminate your entryway, walkway, shed, patio, balcony, deck, steps, garage, driveway and backyard to the fullest. The infra-red sensor installed within detects the presence of movement and body heat; thus, the presence of wanted visitors can be identified instantly.
How they work
Solar powered motion lights are attached with a tiny E-eye (electronic eye) which detects body heat radiating from moving individuals or animals. Once the movement is detected, the light will switch on immediately. The duration of illumination is often between one to four minutes. However, it stays on for as long as the movement is still present. Detection could take place when the object is at the furthest 45 feet away and within a radius of 180°. During the day, the lights are switched off automatically due to the deactivation feature installed within.
Where to install
These lights are ideal to be installed around six to ten feet above the ground. The tip of the motion sensor should be pointed toward your entranceway, backdoor, front door and walkway so that the presence of unwanted visitors can be detected as early as possible. The lights also come handy when you walk into your premise during the night.
To avoid trip-over incidents, you can also install these lights to illuminate your stairway, swimming pool and deck. If you want to increase the measures of security, point your solar powered motion lights to illuminate dark areas where people are likely to trespass without being noticed.